Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to share that the MBL is launching a Dependent Care Support Grants Program to assist employees with the extra costs of caring for dependents as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Under the program, all full-time and part-time employees who work at least 40 hours on a bi-weekly basis may apply for a grant to defray reasonable and necessary out-of-pocket dependent care expenses incurred while they are working remotely or on-campus while their dependents are at home due to remote learning, reduced care programs, or otherwise as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. For purposes of this program, dependents are defined as children or parents who are not self-sufficient and for whom the MBL employee is the primary care giver.

Grant requests must be made by November 30, 2020 and will be confidentially reviewed by Human Resources. Application and guidelines are posted on the MBL Intranet (login required). If you have questions about the program, please reach out to Ann Egan, Director of Human Resources, at

The MBL recognizes the difficulties that caregivers are facing as a result of the pandemic and is committed to supporting our employees. I’d like to thank the Childcare Task Force for their continued work on this important issue and all of you for your perseverance and commitment to the MBL at this challenging time.


Nipam H. Patel